WeatherCall Enterprise
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Service Options

Customized service, inexpensively priced

BusinessesEvery business has different needs when it comes to their severe weather emergency plan. For example, a large manufacturing facility or office complex with many hundreds of employees will have a longer warning lead-time requirement than a small child care facility or restaurant.



Flexible Service Options

Tornado warning exampleWeatherCall Enterprise allows every business to set up their account based on their own unique requirements.

In the example shown to the right, a TORNADO WARNING has been issued for Dallas County within 5 miles of this WeatherCall enterprise client site. The actual warning area lies outside of their monitored zone, therefore NO ACTION is required because the threat is to the west of their location.

Customized Enterprise client configuration options include:

  • Warning Types
    • Tornado only
    • Tornado + Severe Thunderstorm
    • Tornado + Flash Flood
    • Tornado + Severe Thunderstorm + Flash Flood
  • Number of phone numbers needed to be called
  • Warning lead time requirement

Inexpensively Priced

Basic business plans are available for less than $200 for a full year of service.